Tuesday, August 16, 2011

External Table

Create Internal Representation of the External Table   


(TYPE oracle_loader

conn uwclass/uwclass

CREATE TABLE ext_tab (
empno  CHAR(4),
ename  CHAR(20),
job    CHAR(20),
deptno CHAR(2))
  TYPE oracle_loader
    BADFILE 'bad_%a_%p.bad'
    LOGFILE 'log_%a_%p.log'
    (empno, ename, job, deptno))
    LOCATION ('demo1.dat')

SELECT * FROM ext_tab;

SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;

desc user_external_tables

col table_name format a15
col type_name format a15
col reject_limit format a15

SELECT table_name, type_name, default_directory_name, reject_limit, access_type FROM user_external_tables;


CREATE TABLE ext_tab (
empno CHAR(4),
ename CHAR(20),
job CHAR(20),
deptno CHAR(2))
(TYPE oracle_loader
(empno, ename, job, deptno))
LOCATION ('demo1.dat','demo2.dat'))

SELECT * FROM ext_tab;

External Table For Writing and Reading          

(TYPE oracle_datapump
CREATE TABLE ext_write (
tab_name, tblspname, numblocks)
(TYPE oracle_datapump
LOCATION ('table_history.exp'))
SELECT table_name, tablespace_name, blocks
FROM user_tables;

FROM ext_write;

FROM ext_write
WHERE numblocks > 100;

SELECT table_name, type_name, default_directory_name,
reject_limit, access_type
FROM user_external_tables;

-- open ext_write_####_####.log files
-- open c:\external able_history.exp

DROP TABLE ext_write;

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Glossary - QA

Testing: It involves operating an application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results in order to confirm that the application fulfills it stated requirements
ST: It is process of evaluating a system / systems component by manual / automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements / to identify differences between expected and actual results.
QA: A set of activities designed to ensure that development and / or maintenance process is adequate to ensure that system will meet its requirement.      FocusPROCESS, Proactive, Staff Function, Prevent Defects
QC: Set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria / meets requirements of the client FocusPRODUCT, Reactive, Line Function, Find Defects
SQA: A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a software work product conforms to established technical requirements.
Capability Maturity Model (CMM): 5 level staged framework that describes key elements of an effective software process. It covers practices for planning, engineering and managing, development and maintenance.
CMM Integration (CMMI): It covers practices for planning, engineering and managing product development and maintenance.
Unit T: It is a procedure used to validate that individual units of source code are working properly. Unit tests tell a developer that the code is doing things right; functional tests tell a developer that the code is doing the right things.
System T: Test of an entire system conducted to ensure that the system meets all applicable user and design requirements. Ex: resource loss bugs, throughput bugs, performance, security, recovery, and transaction synchronization bugs.
Integration test: Test which verifies that interfaces and interdependencies of products, modules, subsystems, and systems have been properly designed and implemented.
System Integration T: It takes multiple integrated systems that have passed system testing as input and tests their required interactions.
UAT: It is a phase of software development in which the software is tested in the "real world" by the intended audience. It gives the end users the confidence that the application being delivered to them meets their requirements.
Baseline: A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures.
Functional tests: They are written from a user's perspective. These tests confirm that the system does what users are expecting it to. Functional Tests test the entire system from end-to-end.
Walkthroughs: A presentation of developed material to an audience with a broad cross-section of knowledge about material being presented. It gives assurance that no major oversight lies concealed in material.
Bug: A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner
Error: A discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value / condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition.
Failure: The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance requirements
Fault: An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner
Verification: The process of determining whether / not the products of a given phase of the SDLC meet the implementation steps and can be traced to the incoming objectives established during the previous phase.
Validation: Establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.
White box T: Testing technique whereby explicit knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested is used to select the test data.     (Structural, Clear box, Open box, Logic driven, Glass box)
Black box T: It subjects the program / system to inputs and its outputs are verified for conformance to specified behavior.                                 (Functional, Opaque box, Closed box, Data driven, Behavioral)
Gray box T: The tester applies a limited no. of test cases to the internal workings of software under test. In remaining part, one takes a black-box approach in applying inputs to software under test and observing the outputs.
Positive T: Testing which attempts to show that a given module of an application does what it is supposed to do. (Not showing error when not supposed to) + (Showing error when supposed to). Also known as “test to pass
Negative T: Testing which attempts to show that the module does not do anything that it is not supposed to do. (Showing error when not supposed to) + (Not showing error when supposed to). Also known as “test to fail
Bottom-Up T: Approach to integration testing, where the lowest level components are tested 1ST, and then used to facilitate the testing of higher level components. The process is repeated until the component at the top of the hierarchy is tested.
Top-Down T: Approach to integration testing where component at top of the component hierarchy is tested 1ST with lower level components being simulated by stubs. The process is repeated until lowest level components have been tested.
Functional T: Testing that verifies that the system conforms to the specified functional requirements. Its goal is to ensure that user requirements have been met.
Performance T: Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system with specified performance requirements. Testing that verifies that system meets specific performance objectives in terms of response times under varying workloads
Dynamic T: Testing the physical response from the system to variables that change with time and are not consistent.     
Static T: Testing which does not involve the code start. Analysis of a program carried out without executing the program.
Accessibility T: A test case designed to verify a product is accessible to the people having disabilities (deaf, blind, mentally disabled, etc). Testing to determine the ease by which users with disabilities can use a system.
Ad hoc T: Testing carried out using no recognized test case design technique. Testing phase where the tester tries to break the software by randomly trying the system’s functionality. It is carried out informally.
Agile T: Testing practice for a project using agile methodologies, such as extreme programming (XP), treating development as the customer of testing and emphasizing then test-first design paradigm.
Alpha T: It is a phase of testing of an application when development is nearing completion, done in a controlled environment by the end-user, done by end-users, and minor design changes may still be made as a result of testing.
Beta T: Testing conducted at one / more customer sites by the end-user of a delivered software product. This is usually a “friendly” user and the testing is conducted before it is officially launched.
Back-to-back T: Testing in which two or more variants of a component or system are executed with the same inputs, the outputs compared, and analyzed in cases of discrepancies.
Boundary T: Test which focus on the boundary / limit conditions of the software being tested. (Some of these tests are stress tests).
Compatibility T: It is part of software non-functional tests, testing conducted on the application to evaluate the application's compatibility with other systems, with which it should communicate (computing environment).
Component T: Process of examining individual hardware/software components / a set of related components in seclusion. This is derived from the developer’s experience and intuition on how components should operate in the system.
Complete T: Erroneously used to mean 100% branch coverage. Testing is "complete" when the tests specified by the criterion have been passed. Absolutely complete testing is impossible
Conversion T: Testing of programs / procedures used to convert data from existing systems for use in replacement systems.
Data and DB Integrity T: It is intended to uncover design flaws that may result in data corruption, unauthorized data access, lack of data integrity across multiple tables, and lack of adequate transaction performance.
Data flow T: Testing in which test cases are designed based on variable usage within the code
Data driven T: Testing in which the action of a test case is parameterized by externally defined data values, maintained as a file / table / spreadsheet. Common technique in Automated Testing
Dependency T: Examines an application's requirements for pre-existing software, initial states and configuration in order to maintain proper functionality.
End-to-end T: Testing a complete application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a DB, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, / systems if appropriate.
Independent T (3rd party): The approach of using personnel not involved in the development of the product or system in its testing.
Installation T: Confirms that the application under test recovers from expected / unexpected events without loss of data / functionality. Events can include shortage of disk space, unexpected loss of communication, / power out conditions.
Load T: Determines response time of a system with various workloads within anticipated normal production range. It simulates user activity and analyzes effect of real-world user environment on an application.
Path T: Testing in which all paths in the program source code are tested at least once.
Recovery T: Confirms that the program recovers from expected or unexpected events without loss of data or functionality. Events can include shortage of disk space, unexpected loss of communication, or power out conditions.
Regression T (Verification T): Retesting of a system or component to verify that modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the system or component still complies with its specified requirements
Re-testing: Testing again and again for the functionality of the application
Sanity T: Brief test of major functional elements of a piece of software to determine if it’s basically operational.
Scalability T: Performance testing focused on the behavior of a system with expanded workloads simulating future production states such as added data and an increased amount of users.
Security T: Testing which confirms that the program can restrict access to authorized personnel and that the authorized personnel can access the functions available to their security level.
Smoke T: It validates that a fundamental operation of program is ready to undergo more complex Functional / Scenario testing. It is a cursory examination of all of basic components of a system to ensure that they work
Stress T: Testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.
Volume T: It seeks to verify the physical and logical limits to a system's capacity and ascertain whether such limits are acceptable to meet the projected capacity of application's required processing. The system is subjected to large volume of data.
Audit: An independent examination of a work product or set of work products to assess compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or other criteria. See: functional configuration audit, physical configuration audit.
Acceptance Criteria: The criteria that a system / component must satisfy in order to be accepted by a user, customer, / other authorized entity.
Boundary value: A data value that corresponds to a minimum or maximum input, internal, or output value specified for a system or component.
Code Coverage: Knowledge of purpose, methods, and test coverage tools used for monitoring the execution of software and reporting on the degree of coverage at the statement, branch / path level.
Error rate: Understanding of mean time between errors as a criterion for test completion.                       
Risk: A measure of the probability and severity of undesired effects. Often taken as the simple product of probability and consequence
Test: An activity in which a system or component is executed under specified conditions, the results are observed or recorded and an evaluation is made of some aspect of the system or component.
Testability: The degree to which a system or component facilitates the establishment of test criteria and the performance of tests to determine whether those criteria have been met.
Test case: An assertion concerning the functioning of an application software entity, truth of which must be demonstrated through testing in order to conclude that entity meets established user requirement.
Test plan: Selection of techniques and methods to be used to validate the product against its approved requirements. An overview of project lists items to be tested and serves as a communication device between all project team members.
Test script: A system life cycle documentation standard that is the design specification for a test run. It defines the test cases to be executed, required set up procedures, required execution procedures, and required evaluation procedures.
Test and evaluation plan: It identifies high-level requirements, defines the objectives, and overall structure of the test and evaluation for a system. It details the test strategy, schedule, and resource requirements for test and evaluation.
Test data: Files, records, and data elements created by users, analysts, and developers to test requirements, design specifications, and software code. There is no standard format for test data.
Test req.: A description of the test which must be executed to verify a system / software requirement. They should exist at levels corresponding to the requirements. This is part of the traceability matrix.
Technical req.: Requirements that describe what the software must do and its operational constraints. Ex: functional, performance, interface, and quality requirements
Test procedure: Defines the procedures to be followed when applying a test suite to a product for the purposes of conformance testing.
Test architecture: The high-level design of a planned application software test. It includes: (1) a structural blueprint, (2) a definition of the test time dimension, and (3) a definition of the overall processing sequence for the test.

Friday, August 12, 2011


1.    The worker table has 11 columns.  You often query the table with conditions based on four or more columns.  You create an index on all columns in the table.  What will result?
a.     Updates on the table will be slower.              ANS
b.     Updates on the table will be faster.
c.     Queries on the table will be faster.
d.     The size of the worker table will be increased.

2.     Examine the following command:
(employee-id Number(9)
2000-pay NUMBER(8,2)
manager-name VARCHAR2(25)
CONSTRAINT mgr-name-nn.  NOT NULL,
pay-96 NUMBER(8,2));

Which two lines of this command will return an error?
a.     First
b.     Second
c.     Third
d.     Fourth      ans
e.     Fifth
f.      Sixth
g.     Seventh   ans

3.     You must store currency data.  All data will have two digits to the Right of the decimal point (ie, 25.xx).  The numbers to the left of the decimal point will vary.  Which data type is most appropriate?
a.     NUMBER                 ANS
b.     NUMBER(p,s)     
c.     LANG
d.     LANGRA

4.     Examine the WORKER table below:
NAME                                            NULL                                     TYPE
WORKER ID                  NOT NULL                            NUMBER(3)
NAME                                            NOT NULL                            VARCHAR2(25)
PHONE                                          NOT NULL                            VARCHAR2(9)
ADDRESS                                                                                     VARCHAR2(50)
POSITION                                     UPDATE
There are hundreds of records in the EMPLOYEE TABLE.  You need to modify the phone column to hold only number values.  Which statement will modify the data type appropriately?
a.     ALTER TABLE worker MODIFY phone NUMBER(9)
c.     A VARCHAR2 data type cannot be changed to a NUMBER data type for a column.
d.     The data type of a column cannot be modified if there is data in the column.                                      ANS

5.     What should be done after each fetch statement in a PL/SQL block?
a.     Open the cursor.
b.     Close the cursor.
c.     Initialize the loop.
d.     Test for rows using the cursor attribute.                                                                                                ANS

6.     Examine this executable section of a PL/SQL block:
FOR worker_record IN pay_cursor LOOP
CLOSE salary_cursor;
Why does this section cause an error?
a.     The cursor needs to be open.
b.     No fetch statements were used.
c.     Terminating conditions are missing.
d.     The cursor does not need to be explicitly closed.                                                  ANS

7.     Your company will be granting workers a $150 salary increase.  You need to evaluate results of the increase from the worker table prior to the actual modification.  You do not want to store in the results in the current database.  Which of the following is untrue?
a.     A column must be added to the worker table.
b.     An arithmetic expression must be added that invokes the salary increment in the SET section of the upgrade clause.
c.     An arithmetic expression must be added that invokes the salary increment in the SELECT clause of the SELECT statement.       ANS
d.     An arithmetic expression must be added that invokes the salary increment in the UPDATE clause of the SELECT statement.

8.  What command should be used to execute a script file named QUERYCOLOR.SQL from the SQL Plus environment?
b.     EXECUTE QUERYCOLOR               
c.     RUN QUERYCOLOR    ANS              

9.     You need to test if the current fetch within a PL/SQL loop was successful.  Which cursor attribute is needed to accomplish this task?
c.     SQL%FOUND                      ANS
d.     A cursor attribute cannot be used within a PL/SQL loop.

10. You have been assigned the task of updating worker salaries.  If a salary is less than 1000, it must be incremented by 10%.  The SQL Plus substitution variable will be used to accept a worker number.  Which PL/SQL block successfully updates salaries?
a.     DECLARE
V_sal worker.sal%type;
SELECT sal INTO v_sal FROM worker WHERE workerno=&&p_workerno;
IF 'v_sal<1000 then'
UPDATE worker INTO sal:=sal*1.1 WHERE workerno=&p_workerno;
b.     DECLARE
V_sal worker.sal%type;
SELECT sal INTO v_sal FROM worker WHERE worker=&&p_wokerno;
IF 'v_sal<1000 then sal:=sal*1. 1'
c.     DECLARE
V_sal worker.sal%type;
SELECT sal INTO v_sal FROM worker WHERE workerno=&&p_workerno;
IF 'v_sal<1000 then'
UPDATE emp sal:=sal*1.1 WHERE workerno=&p_workerno;
d.     DECLARE
V_sal worker.sal%type;
SELECT sal INTO v_sal FROM worker WHERE workerno=&&p_workerno;
IF 'v_sal<1000' then
uPDATE worker SET sal:=sal*1.1  WHERE workerno=&p_workerno;
END;                                                                      ANS

11.  Examine the following:
V_found VARCHAR2(10):= 'TRUE';
V_found VARCHAR2(10);
Y                      NUMBER
THEN v_found:= 'YES';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('VALUE OF v_found is'||v_found);
 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('VALUE OF v_sal is'||v_sal);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LIN('VALUE OF v_found is'||v_found);
Why will this procedure produce an error when executed?
a.     The value of v_found cannot be YES.
b.     The variable v_found is declared in more than one location.
c.     The variable Y is declared in the inner block and referred to in the outer block.                             ANS
d.     The variable v_sal is declared in the outer block and referred to in the inner block.

12.  The worker table contains the following columns:
First_name                   VARCHAR2(25)
Last_name                   VARCHAR2(25)
Evaluate these two SQL statements:
SELECT                CONTACT (first_name,last_name),                LENGTH(CONTACT(first_name,last_name))
                FROM worker      
                WHERE UPPER(last_name)like '%J'              OR UPPER (last_name)like '%K'   OR             UPPER (last_name)like '%L';

SELECT                INITCAP(first_name) || INITCAP(last_name),               LENGTH(last_name)+LENGTH(first_name)
                FROM worker
                WHERE INTICAP(substr(last_name,1,1))In( 'J', 'K', 'L');
How will results differ between the two SQL statements?
a.     Different data will be retrieved from the database.                       ANS
b.     The same data will be retrieved, but it will be displayed differently.
c.     The first statement will be executed; the second will not.
d.     The second statement will be executed; the first will not.

13. In the declarative section of a PL/SQL block, you create-but do not initialize-a number variable.  When the block executes, what will be the initial value of the variable?
a.     0
b.     Null                                                                                                                                        ANS
c.     The value will depend on the scale and precision of the variable.
d.     The block will not execute because the variable was not initialized.

14.  The worker table contains the following columns:
You need to display the names of workers that are not assigned to the department.  Evaluate the following:
SELECT last_name, first_name      FROM worker       WHERE dept_id is != NULL
Which of the following changes should be made to achieve the desired result?
a.     Create an outer join.
b.     Change the column in the WHERE condition.
c.     Change the operator in the WHERE condition.                             ans
d.     Add a second condition to the WHERE condition.

15.  Which of the following statements regarding SQL is true?
a.     Null values are displayed last in ascending sequences.                                       ANS
b.     DatE values are displayed in descending order by default.
c.     You cannot specify a column alias in an ORDER BY clause.
d.     Query results cannot be sorted by a column that is not included in the SELECT list.

16.  You are a user of the PROD database, which has over 1200 tables.  What data dictionary view must you query to determine the number of tables you can access?
a.     ALL_OBJECTS                                    ans

17. Evaluate the two following commands:
SELECT                DISTINCT object-type         FROM                     user-objects;
SELECT                object-type                            FROM                     all-objects;
How will the results of the two commands differ?
a.     The first statement will display the distinct object types in the database; the second statement will display the object types in the database.
b.     The first statement will display the distinct object types owned by the users; the second statement will display all object types in the database.
c.     The first statement will display distinct object types owned by the user; the second statement will display all the object types that the user can access.              ANS
d.     The first statement will display the distinct object types that the user can access; the second statement will display all the object types that the user owns.

18. Which of the following privileges is related to system-level security?
a.     Drop any table                      ANS
b.     DELETE
c.     ALTER                                    
d.     INDEX

19. Evaluate the following:
CREATE ROLE supervisor;
CREATE ROLE janitor;
GRANT janitor TO clerk;
GRANT clerk TO supervisor;
GRANT janitor to alex;
How many ROLEs will user alex have access to?
a.     0
b.     1                         ANS
c.     2
d.     3

20. Mike forgot his password. Which of the following commands will set a password for user, mike?
a.     ALTER USER mike PASSWORD BY green.  The command must be issued by Mike.
b.     ALTER USER mike IDENTIFIED BY green.  The command must be issued by the DBA.        ANS
c.     ALTER USER mike IDENTIFIED BY green.  The command must be issued by Mike.                         
d.     CHANGE password to green WHERE "user=mike";  The command must be issued by the DBA.

21. You are updating the worker table.  Jane has been granted the same privileges as you.  You ask her to check your work before you issue a COMMIT command.  What can she do on the workers table?
a.     Jane can access the table and verify your changes.
b.     Jane cannot access the table.
c.     Jane can access the table but cannot see your changes.  She can make changes for you.
d.     Jane can access the table, but cannot see your changes or make changes to the roles you are changing. ANS

22.  Examine the following:
Name                                 Null?                                  Type
PUPIL-ID                          NOT NULL                         NUMBER(3)
NAME                               NOT NULL                         VARCHAR2(25)
ADDRESS                                                         VARCHAR2(50)
GRADUATION                                                              DATE
Which of these statements inserts a new row into the PUPIL table?
a.     INSERT INTO pupil VALUES(121, 'Benson');
b.     INSERT INTO pupil.VALUES(121, '50 NE Oak St.', '20-MAR-01', 'Benson');
c.     INSERT INTO test.VALUES(121, 'Benson', '50 NE Oak St.', '20-MAR-01');
d.     INSERT INTO pupil(pupil-id,address,name,graduation) VALUES(121, '50 NE Oak St.', 'Benson', '20-MAR-01'); ANS

23.  Examine the following:
NAME                                   NULL?                            TYPE
PUPIL_ID                         NOT NULL                         NUMBER(3)
NAME                               NOT NULL                         VARCHAR2(25)
ADDRESS                                                                     VARCHAR2(50)
GRADUATION                                                             DATE
The GRADUATION column is a foreign key column to the table.  Examine the data in the GRADE DATA table:
Graduation    11-May-2001
Which of the following statements will produce the error…."ORA-02291 integrity constraint (sys_c23) violated.  Parent key not found.?
a.     UPDATE pupil
SET pupil-id=999,
WHERE stud-id=101;'
b.     UPDATE pupil
SET name='Benson',
WHERE pupil-id=101;
c.     UPDATE pupil
SET name='Benson',
Graduation='15-AUG-200'                 ans
WHERE pupil-id=101
d.     UPDATE pupil
SET stud-id=NULL,
Address='50 NE Oak St'
WHERE graduation='18-APR-2001'                                ans

24. Within SQL Plus, you issue the following:
Delete from Department where department_id=80;
You receive an integrated constraint error indicating the child record was found.  What should be done to make the statement execute?
a.     Delete the child record first.                                              ans
b.     Add a fourth keyword to the command.
c.     Add the constraints cascade option to the command.
d.     The statement cannot be executed.

25. The view WORKER-VIEW is created based on the WORKER table as follows:
SELECT deptno,Sum(sal)TOT-SAL,COUNT(*) NOF-WORKER FROM worker GROUP BY deptno;
What happens when the following command is issued?
UPDATE worker-view
SET lot-sal=25000
WHERE deptno=8;
a.     The base table cannot be updated through this view.                               ANS
b.     The TOT_SAL column in the WORKER table is updated to 25,000 for department 8.
c.     The TOT_SAL column in the WORKER view is updated to 25,000 for department 8.
d.     The SAL column in the WORKER table is updated to 25,000 for employees in department 8.

26. You view a card, ANN_SAL, that is based on the worker table.  The structure of the ANN_SAL view is:
NAME                                            NULL                                     TYPE
WORKERNO                 NOT NULL                            NUMBER(4)
YEARLY_SAL                                                                               NUMBER(9,2)
MONTHLY_SAL                                                                           NUMBER(9,2)
Which statement retrieves data from the ANN_SAL view?
a.     SELECT * FROM ANN_SAL                     ANS

27.  Evaluate the following:
IF                     v-value>100         THEN                     v-new-value:=2*v-value;
ELSIF             v-value>200         THEN                     v-new-value:=3*v-value;
ELSIF             v-value>300         THEN                     v-new-value:=4*v-value;
ELSE              v-new-value:=5*v-value;
What would be assigned to v_new_value if v_value=250?
a.     250
b.     500                                 ANS
c.     750
d.     1000

28.  The PARTICIPANTS table contains the following columns:
ID                                    NUMBER(9)
NAME                            VARCHAR(2)
COACHID                     NUMBER(9)
Evaluate the following statements:
SELECT        p.name,c.name FROM       participant p,participant c  WHERE  c-id= c.coach-id;
SELECT        p.name,c.name FROM       participant p,player c WHERE                           c.coach-id=p.id;
How will the results of the two statements differ?
a.     The first statement will not execute; the second statement will.
b.     The first statement will execute; the second statement will not execute.
c.     The first statement is a self join; the second statement is not.                                  ANS
d.     The results will be the same, but will be displayed differently.

29.  How would you declare a PL/SQL table of records to hold the rows selected from the WORKER table?
a.     DECLARE
worker-table is TABLE OF worker%ROWTYPE                                                 
b.     BEGIN
TYPE worker-table is TABLE of worker%ROWTYPE
worker-table  worker-table-type;
c.     DECLARE
TYPE worker-table is TABLE of worker%ROWTYPE
worker-table  worker-table-type;
d.     DECLARE
TYPE worker-table-type is TABLE of worker%ROWTYPE
worker-table  worker-table-type;                                                                       ans

30.  Which type of cursor should be created when you want to create a cursor that can be used several times in a block, selecting a different active set each time it is opened?
a.     A loop cursor.
b.     A multiple selection cursor.
c.     A cursor for each active set.
d.     A cursor that uses parameters.                                         ANS

31.  Which of the following is true when writing a cursor for loop?
a.     You must explicitly fetch the rows within a cursor for loop.
b.     You must explicitly open the cursor prior to the cursor for loop.
c.     You must explicitly close the cursor prior to the end of the program.
d.     You do not explicitly open, fetch, or close a cursor within a cursor for loop.                     ANS

32.  The structure of the HOUSE table is as follows:
Name                             Null?                      Type
HOUSE NO                   Not NULL              Number(25)
DNAME                                                         VARCHAR2(14)
LOC                                                                VARCHAR2(13)
Examine the following:
                house-rec house%ROWTYPE:
                                SELECT* INTO    house-rec FROM house WHERE houseno=10;
Which PL/SQL statement displays the location of a selected department?
a.     DBMS-OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(house-rec):
b.     DBMS.OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(house-rec.loc);             ANS
c.     DBMS.OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(house-rec(1).loc);
d.     You can't display a single file in the record because they are not specially identified in the declarative section.

33. Which of the following statements about implicit cursors is true?
a.     They are declared implicitly only for DML statements.                                                
b.     They are declared implicitly for all DML and SELECT statement that returns single row.            ANS
c.     Implicit cursors must be closed before the end of PL/SQL programs.
d.     Implicit cursors can be declared using the cursor type in the declaration section.

34.  Evaluate the following:
                v-result                   NUMBER(2);
                DELETE                FROM                     worker
                WHERE division-id             IN(10,20,30);
                v-result:=               SQL%ROWCOUNT;
What will be the value of v_result if no rows are deleted?
a.     0                                                             ANS
b.     1
c.     True
d.     Null

35.   Which two conditions in a PL/SQL block cause an exception error to occur?            
a.     Select statement does not return a row.                      ANS
b.     Select statement returns more than one row.                        ANS
c.     Select statement contains a group by clause.
d.     Select statement does not have a WHERE clause.

36.  You must create a program to insert records into the worker table.  Which of the following successfully uses the INSERT command?
a.     DECLARE
v-hiredate DATE:=SYSDATE:
INSERT INTO worker(workernp, wname, hiredate, divisionno)
VALUES(workerno-sequence.nextval, '& name', v_hiredate ,&divisionno)  ----- plese check ---Ans
b.     DECLARE
v-hiredate DATE:=SYSDATE:
        INSERT INTO worker(workernp, wname, hiredate, divisionno)
c.     DECLARE
                        v-hiredate DATE:=SYSDATE:
        INSERT INTO worker(workernp, wname, hiredate)
        VALUES(workerno-sequence.nextval, '& name',& v_hiredate &Divisionno)   
d.     DECLARE
                        v-hiredate DATE:=SYSDATE:
        INSERT INTO worker(wordernp, wname, v_hiredate and divisionno)

37. Evaluate the following:
        FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
                 IF I=4 OR I=6
               THEN              null;
                        INSERT INTO test(result) VALUES (I);
               END IF;
How many values will be inserted into the test table?
a.     0
b.     4
c.     6             
d.     8                       ANS
e.     12

38.  You issue the following command:
CREATE public synonym WORKER for ed.worker;
What is the result of the command?
a.     The object can be accessed by all users.
b.     All users are given object privileges to the table.
c.     The need to qualify the object name with its schema is eliminated only for the commanding issuer.
d.     The need to qualify the object name with its schema is eliminated for all users.                  ANS

39.  In which order does an Oracle Server evaluate clauses?
b.     WHERE, GROUPBY, HAVING                                    ANS

40.  You query a database with the following command:
GROUP BY by section_no
Why does the command cause an error?
a.     A SELECT clause cannot contain a group function.
b.     A WHERE clause cannot be used to restrict groups.                         ANS
c.     An ORDER BY clause cannot contain a group function.
d.     A group function cannot contain a single row function.

41.  The path table contains the following columns:
Evaluate the following SQL statements:
SELECT ROUND(max(cost),2),  ROUND(min(cost),2), round(sum(cost),2), ROUND(AVG(cost),2) FROM part;
SELECT product_id, ROUND(max(cost),2),ROUND(min(cost),2), ROUND(sum(cost),2), ROUND(AVG(cost),2)
FROM part GROUPBY product_id;
How will the results of the two statements differ?
a.     The results will be the same, but displayed differently.
b.     The first statement will only display one row of results; the second statement can display more than one row of results. --Ans
c.     The first statement will display a result for each part; the second statement will display a result for each product.       
d.     One of the statements will cause an error.

42. In which section of a PL/SQL block is a user-defined exception written? 
a.     Heading
b.     Executable
c.     Declarative
d.     Exception handling           ANS

43. Examine the following:
        v_char_val varchar2(100);
        v_char_val:= 'Welcome Home',
This code is stored in a script file named welcome.sql.  Which of the following statements will execute the code in the script file?
a.     welcome.sql
b.     RUN welcome.sql               ----RUNS THE CODE IN THE SCRIPT FILE
c.     START welcome.sql                   (  ANS)
d.     EXECUTE welcome.sql

44. Which of the following statements regarding nesting blocks is true?
a.     Variable names must be unique between blocks.
b.     A variable defined in the outer block is visible in the inner block.         ANS
c.     A variable defined in the inner block is visible in the outer block.
d.     A variable in an inner block may have the same name as a variable in an outer block only if the data types are different.

45. Which of the following statements is valid within the executable section of a PL/SQL block?
a.     BEGIN
Worker_rec worker%ROWtype
b.     WHEN NO_DATA FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT PUT.LIN("Nothing found");                  
c.     SELECT wname,sal INTO w_ename,w_sal FROM worker WHERE workno=106;               ANS
d.     Procedure cal_max(n1 NUMBER n2 NUMBER, p_max OUT NUMBER)
If n1>n2 then
Else p_max=n2;

46.  What command will send the output of an SQL* Plus session to a text file named LOG.LST?
b.     SPOOL LOG.LST                       ANS

47.  The merchandise table contains the following columns:
CODE                                            NUMBER(9)                          PK
COST                                             NUMBER(7,2)
SALE_PRICE                               NUMBER(7,2)
Your supervisor asks you to calculate net revenue per unit for each product if the cost of each product is increased 10% and the sale price of each product is increased 25%.  You issue the following:
SELECT code, sale_price * 1.25 - cost * 1.10 FROM merchandise;
What conclusion can be drawn from the results?
a.     Only the required results are displayed.
b.     The results provide more information than management requested.
c.     A function needs to be included in the SELECT statement to achieve the desired result.              ANS
d.     The order of the statement must be changed to get the requested results.

48.  You have been instructed to create a report that shows different jobs in each division within your company.  No duplicate roles can be displayed.  Which of the following SELECT statements should be used?
a.     SELECT divisionno, job FROM worker;
b.     SELECT no duplicate divisionno, job FROM worker;
c.     SELECT distinct divisionno, job FROM worker;      ANS
d.     CREATE report DISPLAY divisionno, job

49. Which of the following SELECT statements displays worker names, salary, division numbers, and average salaries for all workers who earn more than the average salary in their department?
a.     SELECT wname, sal, divsionno, AVG(sal) FROM workers GROUPBY wname, sal, divisionno
b.     SELECT wname, sal, divsionno, AVG(sal) FROM WORKER              HAVING AVG(SALARY) > (SELECT AVG(SALARY) FROM WORKER);           ANS

50.  Mrs. Jensen is president of her company.  Four managers report to her, and all other employees report to the four managers.  Examine the following:
SELECT w.wname FROM work w WHERE w.workno not in (SELECT m.mgr FROM work m);
The above statement returns no rows.  Why?
a.     All employees have a manager.
b.     None of the employees have a manager.
c.     A null value is returned from the subquery.                       ANS
d.     An operator is not allowed in subqueries.

51. Which of the following statements regarding column subqueries is true?
a.     A pair wise comparison produces a cross product.
b.     A non-pair wise comparison produces a cross product.
c.     In a pair wise query, the values returned from the subquery are compared individually to the value in the outer query.    ANS
d.     In a non-pair wise query, the values returned from the subquery are compared as a group to the values in the outer query.

52.  You query a database with the following command:
SELECT dept_no,  AVG (MONTHS_BETWEEN (SYSDATE, hire_date)) FROM worker
WHERE  AVG (MONTHS_BETWEEN (SYSDATE, hire_date))   >  60
GROUP  BY  dept_no
Where does the statement cause an error?
a.     A SELECT clause cannot contain a group function.
b.     A WHERE clause cannot be used to restrict groups.                                   ANS
c.     An ORDER BY clause cannot contain a group function.
d.     A group function cannot contain a single row function.

53.  A group function ______.
a.     Produces a group of results from each row.
b.     Produces one result from each row of a table.
c.     Produces one result from many rows per group.                                      ANS
d.     Produces many results from many rows per group.

54.  The worker table contains the following columns:
ID_NUMBER(9)           PK
LAST_NAME                VARCHAR2(25)   NN
DEPT_ID                       NUMBER(9)
Evaluate the following:
SELECT * FROM worker WHEREid = (& id_3)
Which change should be made to the script so that it will execute?
a.     Remove the ampersand.
b.     Use the ACCEPT account.
c.     Close the cursor.
d.     No change is needed.              ans

55.  Evaluate the following:
SELECT        w.id,  (.15* w.salary) + (.25* w.bonus))
                        (w.sale_amount * (.15* w.commision_pct))
FROM             worker w , sales
WHERE         w.id = s.worker_id;
What would be the result of removing all parentheses from the calculation?
a.     Results will be higher.
b.     Results will be lower.
c.     The results will be the same.                          ANS   
d.     The statement will not execute.

56.  Which of the following is not an i SQL Plus command?
a.     DESCRIBE           
b.     UPDATE      --Ans                             
c.     CHANGE
d.     ACCEPT

57.  When selecting data, projection ______.
a.     Allows you to choose rows.
b.     Allows you to choose columns.             ANS
c.     Allows you to join tables together.
d.     Allows you to add columns to a table.

58.  The worker table contains the following columns:
ID                                                    NUMBER(9)
LAST_NAME                                VARCHAR2(25)
FIRST_NAME                               VARCHAR2(25)
COMMISSION                              NUMBER(7,2)
You must display commission calculations for employees, and are given the following guidelines:
·       Display commission multiplied by 1.5.
·       Exclude employees with zero commission.
·       Display a zero for employees with null commission value.
Evaluate the following statement:
SELECT id, last_name, first_name, commission*1.5 FROM worker WHERE commission <>0;
How many guidelines are met by the statement?
a.     3
b.     2     ANS
c.     1
d.     The statement generates an error.

59.  Click EXHIBIT and examine the trace instance chart for the worker table (exhibit not available). What SQL statement must be used to display each worker hire date from earliest to last?
a.     SELECT                hire_date               FROM                     worker;
b.     SELECT                hire_date               FROM                     worker                    ORDER BY                            hire_date;         ANS
c.     SELECT                worker                    FROM                     worker                    ORDER BY                            hire_date;
d.     SELECT                hire_date               FROM                     worker                    ORDER BY                            hire_date DESC;

60.  The division table is structured as follows:
Name                             Null                         Type
DNAME                                                         VARCHAR2(14)
LOC                                                                VARCHAR2(13)
Examine the following declaration:
TYPE      division_table_type  IS TABLE OF division %ROWTYPE
division_table       division_table_type;
You need to assign LOC file in record 13 of value 'Boston'.  Which of the following statements should be used?
a.     division_table.loc.13                           :=                             'Boston';
b.     division_table[13].loc                          :=                             'Boston';
c.     division_table(13).loc                         :=                             'Boston';         ANS
d.     division_table_type(13).loc               :=                             'Boston';

61.  You need to change the job title "Secretary" to "Administrative Assistant" for all secretaries.  Which of the following statements accomplishes this?
a.     UPDATE  worker
b.     UPDATE  worker
Job         :=             'Administrative Assistant'
WHERE  UPPER(job)  =  'Secretary'
c.     UPDATE worker
SET job  =  'Administrative Assistant'                        ANS
WHERE UPPER(job)  =  upper('Secretary');
d.     UPDATE  worker
SET values job  =  'Administrative Assistant'
WHERE UPPER(job)  =  'Secretary';

62.  You must remove all data from the color table while leaving the table definition intact.  What command should you issue, if you must be able to undo the operation?
a.     DROP TABLE color.
b.     DELETE FROM color.                        ANS
c.     TRUNCATE TABLE color.
d.     This cannot be done.

63.  In which section of a PL/SQL block is a user-defined exception raised?
a.     Heading.
b.     Execution.                                   ANS
c.     Declarative.
d.     Exception handling.

64.  In nesting blocks, ______.
a.     A variable name must be unique between blocks.
b.     A variable defined in the outer block is visible in the inner blocks.                          ANS
c.     A variable defined in the inner block is visible in the outer blocks.
d.     Variable in an inner block may have the same name as a variable in an outer block if the data types are different.

65.  Examine the following:
i  NUMBER  :=   0;
x_date  DATE  ;
i   :=    i  +   1;
i    :=  v_date    + 5;
i    :=   i   +   1;
EXIT               WHEN  i   =   5;
You encounter unexpected results while executing the above code.  How can you trace the values of counter variable 1 and date variable x_date in an SQL* PLUS environment?
a.     Set the SQL* PLUS session variable DEBUGGER=TRUE.
b.     Insert the statement:
DBMS_OUTPUT  .PUT_LINE  (I, x_date);                              
Between lines 8-9
c.     Insert the statement:
Between lines 8-9
d.     Insert the statement:                                                           ANS
DBMS_OUTPUT  .PUT_LINE  (I ||''|| TO_CHAR(v_date));            
Between lines 8-9

66.  Examine the following:
SET                SERVEROUTPUT                ON
        v_name                 worker.wname%TYPE;
        v_num                   NUMBER;
        v_sal                      NUMBER(8,2);
---  This code displays salaries if larger than 10,000.
SELECT wname, sal
INTO v_name, v_sal
FROM worker
WHERE workerno=101;
IF(v_sal.GT.10000) THEN
                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary is '||' v_sal
                || 'for worker' || v_name);
                END IF;
This statement produces a compilation error when which PL/SQL block is executed?
a.     v_num   NUMBER;
b.     v_name NUMBER;
c.     IF  (v_sal.GT.10000) THEN                                              ANS
d.     This code displays salaries if larger than 10,000.

67.  You query the worker database with this command:
SELECT  last_name, first_name  FROM  worker WHERE  SALARY  IN
                        (SELECT salary FROM worker WHERE division_no=3 OR division_no=5);
Which values are displayed?
a.     Last name and first name of workers in division numbers 3 and 5.
b.     Last name and first name of all workers except those working in divisions 3 and 5.
c.     Last name and first name of all workers with the same salary as workers in divisions 3 and 5.        ANS
d.     Last name and first name of workers whose salaries fall in the range of salaries in divisions 3 and 5.

68.  Which operator is not appropriate in the joined condition of a non-equijoin select statement?
a.     In operators.
b.     Like operators
c.     Equal operators.                        ANS
d.     Greater than and equal to operators.

69.  You must permanently remove all data from the INVOICE table, but will need the table structure in the future.  What single command should be issued?

a.     DROP TABLE invoice
b.     TRUNCATE TABLE invoice                  ANS
c.     DELETE FROM invoice   

70.  You issue the following command:
Which task has been accomplished?
a.     The object is now accessible to all users.
b.     All users are given object privileges to the table.
c.     The need to qualify object names with the schema is eliminated only for you.    
d.     The need to qualify object names with the schema is eliminated for all users             ANS

71.  Which data type should be used for calculating statistical probabilities with varying decimal placements (ie, 5.1236, 5, 5.1, 5.001)?
a.     LONG
b.     NUMBER                             ANS
c.     NUMBER(p,s)
d.     INTEGER

72.  If a DROP TABLE command is executed on a table, ______.
a.     Any appending transactions are rolled back.
b.     The structure of the table remains in the database and the indexes are deleted.
c.     The DROP TABLE command can be executed on a table on which there are pending transactions.
d.     The table structure and its deleted data cannot be rolled back and restored once the DROP TABLE command is executed.  ANS

73.  Examine the structure of the PUPILS table:
Name                                             Null                                         Type
PUPIL ID                                       NOT NULL                            NUMBER(3)
NAME                                            NOT NULL                            VARCHAR2(25)
ADDRESS                                                                                     VARCHAR2(50)
GRADUATION                                                                              DATE
What statement will add a new column after the NAME column to hold phone numbers?
a.     ALTER TABLE pupils ADD COLUMN3(phone varchar2(9))
b.     ALTER TABLE pupils ADD COLUMN3(phone varchar2(9)AS COLUMN3;
c.     ALTER TABLE pupils ADD COLUMN3(phone varchar2/9)POSITION 3;
d.     Position cannot be specified when a new column is added.           ANS

74.  Which three SQL arithmetic expressions will return a date?
a.     '09-dec-99' + 6                       ANS
b.     '09-dec-99' - 12                       ANS
c.     '09-dec-99' + (12/24)             ANS
d.     '09-dec-99' - '10-dec-99'
e.     ('09-dec-99' - '10-dec-99') /6
f.      ('09-dec-99' - '10-dec-99') /12

75.  Which statement should be used to add and immediately enable a primary key constraint to the customer table using the id-number column?
a.     This cannot be done.
b.     ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT cus-id-pk PRIMARY key(id-number);      ANS
c.     ALTER TABLE customer ADD (id-number CONSTRAINT cus-id-pk PRIMARY KEY);
d.     ALTER TABLE customer MODIFY(id-number CONSTRAINT cus-id-pk PRIMARY KEY);

76.  Which of the following SELECT statements will query the worker table and retrieve the last name and salary of the employee whose idea is 5?
a.     SELECT last-name,salary FROM worker;
b.     SELECT last-name,salary FROM worker WHERE id=5;     ANS
c.     SELECT last-name,salary INTO v-last-name,v-salary WHERE id=5;
d.     SELECT last-name,salary FROM worker INTO v-last-name,v-salary WHERE id=5;

77.  The structure of the division table is as follows:
Name                                             Null?                                      Type                                      
DIVISION NO                                Not NULL                              Number(20)
DNAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(12)
LOC                                                                                                VARCHAR2(13)
Examine the following declaration:
        TYPE division-record-type is RECORD (dno NUMBER, name VARCHAR(20));
      division-rec division-record-type;
How can you retrieve an entire row of the division table using the division-rec variable?
a.     SELECT * INTO division-rec FROM division WHERE division no=10;
b.     SELECT divisionno, dname, loc INTO division-rec FROM division WHERE division no=10;
c.     You can't retrieve an entire row using the division-rec variable declared in the code.          ANS
d.     SELECT* INTO division-rec.dno, division-rec. name, division-rec FROM division WHERE division no=10;

78.  Examine the following:
CURSOR worker-cursor IS SELECT  wname,divisionno FROM  worker;
worker-rec worker-cursor %ROWTYPE
                OPEN worker-cursor
                FETCH worker cursor
                INTO worker-rec
                EXIT WHEN worker-cursor NOT FOUND;
INSERT INTO temp-worker(name'dno) VALUES(worker-rec.wname,worker-rec divisionno);
CLOSE worker-cursor;
Using a cursor FOR loop, which PL/SQL block is equivalent to the above code?
a.     DECLARE
CURSOR work-cursor 1S
SELECT wname, divisionno FROM work;
        FOR work-rec IN work-cursor LOOP
        INSERT INTO temp-work(name, dno) VALUES (work-rec.wname, work-re.divisionno);
        END LOOP
END;                                                              ans
b.     DECLARE
CURSOR work-cursor 1S
SELECT wname, divisionno FROM work;
        FOR work-rec IN  work-cursor LOOP
        OPEN work-cursor;
        INSERT INTO temp-work(name, dno) VALUES (work-rec.wname, work-re.divisionno);
        END LOOP
c.     DECLARE
CURSOR work-cursor 1S
SELECT wname, divsisionno FROM work;           
        FOR work-rec  IN  work-cursor LOOP
        OPEN work-cursor;
        INSERT INTO temp-work(name, dno) VALUES (work-rec.wname, work-re.divisionno);
        END LOOP
        CLOSE work-cursor;
d.     The above code cannot be simulated with a LOOP.

79.  An explicit cursor must be used ______.
a.     When any DML or select statement is used in a PL/SQL block.
b.     When a delete statement in a PL/SQL block deletes more than one row.
c.     When a select statement in a PL/SQL block is more than one row.                          ANS
d.     When an update statement in a PL/SQL block has to modify more than one row.

80.  Examine the following:
CURSOR query_cursor (v_salary) IS
Why does this statement cause an error?
a.     The parameter mode was not defined.
b.     A WHERE clause is not allowed in a cursor statement.
c.     The INTO clause is missing from the SELECT statement.
d.     A scalar type was not specified for the parameter.                                                      ans

81.  Using SQL Plus, you create a user with the following command:
What must you do to allow Joshua database access?
a.     Use the ALTER USER command to assign default table space to Joshua.
b.     Grant Joshua the CREATE SESSION privilege.                                                            ans
c.     Use the ALTER USER command to assign Joshua a default profile.
d.     Database access is granted by default.

82.  A DBA has added privileges to Randall's account to create tables and procedures on a database.  Which of the following can Randall perform?
a.     He can create tables, drop tables, and create procedures in any schema of the database.
b.     He can create any table or procedure in his schemas only.  He can drop any table from his schema only.      ANS
c.     He can create a table in any schema of the database but can drop tables from and create procedures only within his own schemas.
d.     He can create a table or procedure in any schema of a database and can also drop tables in any schema of the database.

83.  Which data dictionary view contains the definition of a view?
a.     MY_VIEWS
b.     USER_VIEWS                                      ans

84.  You create the worker table using the following command:
CREATE VIEW division-salary-vu
AS SELECT division-no,salary,last-name
FROM worker
WHERE salary>45000
Click on the EXHIBIT button and examine the worker table (exhibit not available).  For which employee can you update the dept no column using this view?
a.     Brown
b.     South
c.     Chizza
d.     None

85.  Click on the exhibit button and examine the table instance chart of the patient table
Column name              Id_number            last_name             first_name            birth_date              physician_id
Key type                        PK                                                          
Nulls/Unique                NN, UU                  NN                          NN                         
FK table                                                         PHYSICIAN
FK column                    ID_NUMBER
Data type                       NUM                       VARCHAR2          VARCHAR2          DATE                     NUM
Length                           10                           25                           25                           10
You create the patient_vu view based on the id number and last name columns from the patient table.  How should you modify the view to contain only patients born in 1998?
a.     Replace the view, adding a WHERE clause.                                 ans
b.     Use the ALTER command to add a WHERE clause to verify the date.
c.     Drop the patient_vu, then create a new view with a WHERE clause.
d.     Drop the patient_vu, then create a new view with a HAVING clause.

86.  Which of the following statements regarding the use of a sub query in the FROM clause is true?
a.     A sub query cannot be used in the FROM clause.
b.     The need to create a new view or table is eliminated by placing a sub query in the FROM clause. ANS
c.     The need to grant SELECT privileges is eliminated by placing a sub query in the FROM clause.
d.     Placing a sub query in the FROM clause defines a data source for future SELECT statements.                              

87.  Examine the following chart:
Column name              Id_number            last_name             first_name            birth_date              physician_id
Key type                        PK                                                          
Nulls/Unique                NN, UU                  NN                          NN                         
FK table                                                         PHYSICIAN
FK column                    ID_NUMBER
Data type                       NUM                       VARCHAR2          VARCHAR2          DATE                     NUM
Length                           10                           25                           25                           10
You create the patient_id_seq sequence to be used with the patient table's primary key column.  The sequence begins at 1000 and has a maximum value of 99999999 and increments by 1.  You must write a script to insert a row into the patient table and use the sequence you created.  Which script should be used?
a.     This cannot be done.
b.     INSERT INTO patient(id_number, last_name, first_name, Birth_date)
VALUES(patient_id_seq, last_name, first_name, birth_date) /
c.     INSERT INTO patient(id_number, last_name, first_name, Birth_date)
VALUES(patient_id_seq.NEXTVALUE, &last_name,&first_name, & birth_date) /
d.     INSERT INTO patient(id_number, last_name, first_name, Birth_date)
VALUES(patient_id_seq.NEXTVAL, &last_name,&first_name, & birth_date)   /    ANS

88.  The fruit table has ten columns.  Because you query the table with conditions based on four or more columns, you create an index on all columns in the table.  Which of the following will occur?
a.     Updates on the table will be slower.                                ANS
b.     Inserts will be faster.
c.     All queries will be faster.
d.     The size of the fruit table will increase.

89.  Examine the worker table:
Column name              ID_NO                    NAME                    SALARY DEPT_NO        HIRE_DATE
Key type                        PK                           FK          
Nulls/unique NN, UU                  NN                                         
FK table                                                         DEPARMENT      
FK column                                                    DEPT_NO            
Data type                       NUM                       VARCHAR2          NUM                       NUM                 DATE
Length                           9                              25                           8,2                          3             
You must display hire_date values in the following format:
16 of January 2001
Which SELECT statement must be used?
a.     SELECT hire_date(fmDD "of"MONTH YYYY') "Date Hired" FROM worker;
b.     SELECT hire_date('DD "of"MONTH YYYY') "Date Hired" FROM worker;
c.     SELECT TO_CHAR (hire_date,'DDspth of MONTH YYYY') "Date Hired" FROM worker;
d.     SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date,'fmDD "of" MONTH YYYY')DATE HIRED FROM worker;   ANS

90.  Examine the worker table:
Column name              ID_NO                    NAME                    SALARY DEPT_NO          HIRE_DATE
Key type                        PK                           FK          
Nulls/unique NN, UU                  NN                                         
FK table                                                         DEPARMENT      
FK column                                                    DEPT_NO            
Data type                       NUM                       VARCHAR2          NUM                       NUM                   DATE
Length                           9                              25                           8,2                          3             
Which SQL statement will display employee hire date from earliest to latest?
a.     SELECT hire_date FROM worker;
b.     SELECT hire_date FROM worker ORDER BY hire_date;                            ANS
c.     SELECT hire_date FROM worker GROUP BY hire_date;
d.     SELECT hire_date FROM worker ORDER BY hire_date DESC;

91.  Evaluate the following PL/SQL block:
FROM I IN 1 . . 5 LOOP
ELSE INSERT INTO calculate(results);
How many values will be permanently inserted into the calculate table?
a.     0
b.     1             
c.     2      ---Ans
d.     3
e.     4
f.      5

92.  Which of the following scripts could be used to query the data dictionary to view only the names of the primary key constraints using a substitution parameter for the table name?
a.   ACCEPT TABLE PROMPT('table to view primary key constraint:')
SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraint  WHERE table_name=upper('&table') AND constraint_type= 'P';  ANS
b.     ACCEPT TABLE PROMPT('table to view primary key constraint:')
SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraint WHERE table_name=upper('&table') AND constraint_type= 'PRIMARY';
c.     ACCEPT TABLE PROMPT('table to view primary key constraint:')
SELECT constraint_name,constraint_type FROM user_constraint WHERE table_name=upper('&table');
d.     ACCEPT TABLE PROMPT('table to view primary key constraint:')
SELECT constraint_name FROM user_cons_columns WHERE table_name=upper('&table') AND constraint_type= 'P';

93.  Match the Constraint Name to its appropriate Definition:
Constraint Name                         Definition             
CHECK                                          The column must contain a value in each row.     
NOT NULL                                    Each value must be different in a column.
UNIQUE                                        The value must be unique and present.                  
PRIMARY KEY                              Defines a condition that each row must satisfy.     
FOREIGN KEY                              Establishes a relationship between columns.          
ANS: The correct matching is
        CHECK:                     Defines a condition that each row must satisfy.
        NOT NULL:                                The column must contain a value in each row.
        UNIQUE:                                    Each value must be different in a column.
        PRIMARY KEY:          The value must be unique and present.
        FOREIGN KEY:          Establishes a relationship between columns.

94.  What statement would be used to add a primary key constraint to the patient table using the id_number column, immediately enabling the constraint?
a.     This cannot be done.
b.     ALTER TABLE patient MODIFY(id_number CONSTRAINT pat_id_pk PRIMARY KEY);
c.     ALTER TABLE patient ADD (id_number CONSTRAINT pat_id_pk PRIMARY KEY);
d.     ALTER TABLE patient ADD CONSTRAINT pat_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(id_number);                      ANS

95.  You attempt to create the salary table with this command:
CREATE TABLE TENURE (worker_id NUMBER(9) CONSTRAINT tenure_pk PRIMARY KEY, 1995_salary NUMBER(8,2), NUMBER manager_name VARCHAR2(25) CONSTRAINT mgr_name_nn NOT NULL,
$ salary_96 NUMBER(8,2));
Which two lines of the statement will return errors?
a.     1
b.     2
c.     3             
d.     4              ANS
e.     5
f.      6
g.     7              ANS

96.  Which SELECT statement displays the Order ID, Product ID, and quantity of items in the merchandise table that matches both the Product ID and quantity of an item, order(20)?
a.     SELECT ordeid,prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE (prodid,qty) IN
                                (SELECT prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE ordid=20)    ANS
b.     SELECT ordeid,prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE (prodid,qty) =
                                (SELECT prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE ordid=20) AND ordid<>20;
c.     SELECT ordeid,prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE (prodid,qty) IN
                                        (SELECT ordid,prodid,qty FROM item WHERE ordid=20) AND ordid<>20;
d.     SELECT ordeid,prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE (prodid,qty) IN
                                (SELECT prodid,qty FROM merchandise WHERE ordid=20) AND ordid<>20;

97.  Which of the following SELECT statements displays all workers without a subordinate?
a.     SELECT w.wname FROM work w WHERE w.mgr IS NOT NULL;
b.     SELECT w.wname FROM work w WHERE w.workno NOT IN (select m.mgr  ans FROM work w WHER m.mgr IS NOT NULL);
c.     SELECT w.wname FROM work w WHERE w.workno IN (select m.mgr FROM work m);
d.     SELECT w.wname FROM work w WHERE w.workno NOT IN (select m.mgr FROM work m);

98.  Examine the following cursor statement:
CURSOR query_cursor(v_salary)IS
SELECT last_name,salary_divison_no
FROM worker
WHERE SALARY>v_salary;
Why does this statement cause an error?
a.     The INTO clause is missing.
b.     A WHERE clause cannot be used in a cursor statement.
c.     A scalar data type was not specified by the parameter.              ANS
d.     The parameter mode is not defined in the statement.

99.  Examine the structure of the EMP table:
NAME                                            NULL?                   TYPE
EMP NUMBER                             NOT NULL            NUMBER(4)
JOB                                                                                VARCHAR2(30)  
MGR                                                                               NUMBER(4)
HIREDATE                                                                    DATE
SALARY                                                                         NUMBER(7,2)
COMM                                                                           NUMBER(7,2)
DEPT NO                                      NOT NULL            NUMBER(2)
TAX TABLE                                                                   VARCHAR2(20)
NAME                                            NULL?                   TYPE
TAX GRADE                                                 NUMBER
LOWSAL                                                                       NUMBER
HIGHSAL                                                                      NUMBER
You must create a report that displays employee details along with the tax category of each employee.  The tax category is determined by comparing the salary of the employee from the emp table to the upper and lower salary values in the tax table.  Which of the following SELECT statements will perform the necessary comparisons?
a.     SELECT e.name,e.salary,e.tax grade FROM emp e,tax t WHERE e.salary between t.lowsal and t.highsal;    ANS
b.     SELECT e.name,e.salary,e.tax grade FROM emp e,tax t WHERE e.salary>=t.lowsal and <= t.highsal;
c.     SELECT e.name,e.salary,e.tax grade FROM emp e,tax t WHERE e.salary in t.lowsal and t.highsal.
d.     SELECT e.name,e.salary,e.tax grade FROM emp e,tax t WHERE e.salary<=t.lowsal and >= t.highsal;

100. Examine the structure of the product and part tables:
Id PK                              Name
Id PK                              name                     Product_id                            cost
You issue the following statement:
SELECT pt.name FROM part pt,product.printer  WHERE pt.product_id(+)=pr.id;
What will occur?
a.     A list of product names will be displayed.
b.     A list of products is displayed for parts that have products assigned.
c.     An error will be generated.*
d.     A list of all products is displayed for products with parts.

101. A group function produces ______.
a.     A group of results from one row.
b.     One result from each row in a table.
c.     Many results from many rows per group.
d.     One result from many rows per group.                           ANS

102. Examine the structure of the division and worker tables below:
id PK                              Name
id PK                              Last_name           First_name           Divion_id
Evaluate the following statement:
CRATE INDEX                             worker_division_id_idx
ON                                                  worker(divison_id);
What will be the result of the statement?
a.     Store and index the worker table.
b.     Increase the chance of full table scans.
c.     Reduce disk I/O for SELECT statements.                       ANS
d.     Reduce disk I/O for INSERT statements.

103. Examine the patient table:
Column name              id_number            last_name             first_name            birth_date              Physician_id
Key type        PK                                                          
Nulls/Unique                NN, U     NN          NN                         
FK table                                                                         PHYSICIAN
FK column                                                                    ID_NUMBER
Data type       NUM       VARCHAR2          VARCHAR2          DATE     NUM
Length           10           25           25                           10
You must create the patient_id_seq sequence to be used with the patient table's primary key column.  The sequence will begin with 1000, have a maximum value of 9999999, not reuse numbers, and increment in quantities of 1.  Which of the following statements will accomplish the task?
a.     CREATE SEQUENCE patient_id_seq START WITH 1000 MAXVALUE 9999999 NO CYCLE;   ANS
b.     CREATE SEQUENCE patient_id_seq START WITH 1000 MAXVALUE 9999999 STEP BY 1;
c.     CREATE SEQUENCE patient_id_seq ON PATIENT(patient_id) MINVALUE 1000 MAXVALUE 9999999
d.     This cannot be done.

104. You issue the following command:
CREATE SYNONYM work FOR ed.employee;
Because of the command, the need to qualify an object name with its schema has been eliminated for ______.
a.     All users.
b.     Only yourself.       ANS
c.     User Ed.
d.     Users with access.

105. You must create a report that gives, per division, the number of workers and total salary as a percentage of all divisions.  Examine the results of the report:
DIVISION                       %WORKERS                        %SALARY
10                                   21.4                                        30.15
20                                   35.71                                      37.47
30                                   42.86                                      32.39
Which of the following SELECT statements will produce the above report?
a.     SELECT divsionno "division", (COUNT(*)/count(workno))* 100 "%workers", (SUM(sal)count(*))* 100 "%salary"
        FROM scott.work GROUP BY divisiono;
b.     SELECT divisionno "division", PCT(workno) "%workers", PCT(sal) "%salary" FROM scott.work GROUP BY divisionno;
c.     SELECT a.divisionno "division", (a.num_work/COUNT(*))* 100 "%workers", (a.sal_sum/COUNT(*))*100 "%salary" FROM (SELECT divisionno,COUNT(*)num_work,SUM(SAL)sal_sum FROM scott.work GROUP BY divisionno)a; ANS
d.     SELECT "division", a.divisionno ROUND(a.num_work/b.total_count * 100,2)"%workers" ROUND(a.sal_sum/b.total_sal * 100,2)                "%salary% FROM (SELECT divisionno, COUNT(*) num_work, SUM(SAL) sal_sum FROM scott.work GROUP BY divisionno)b;

106. In which situation would an outer query be used?
a.     The worker table has two columns that correspond.
b.     The worker table column corresponding to the region table contains null values for rows that need to be displayed.     ANS
c.     The worker and region tables have no corresponding columns.
d.     The worker and region tables have corresponding columns.

107. The worker table has three columns:
LAST_NAME                VARCHAR2(23)
FIRST_NAME               VARCHAR2(23)
SALARY                         NUMBER(7,2)
Your manager requests that you write a statement to display all workers earning more than the average salary of all workers.  Evaluate the following SQL statement:
SELECT                                        last_name
FROM                                             worker
WHERE                                         salary > AVG(salary);
What change should be made to the statement?
a.     Move the function to the SELECT clause and add a GROUP BY clause.
b.     Use a sub query in the WHERE clause to compare the salary value.                      ANS
c.     Change the function in the WHERE clause.
d.     The statement requires no modification.

108. You attempt to query the worker database with the following command:
SELECT name,salary FROM worker Where salary=
                                (SELECT salary FROM worker WHERE last_name= 'Johnson' OR dept_no=43)
The statement will cause an error because ______.
a.     Sub queries cannot be used with the WHERE clause.
b.     A multiple-row sub query has been used with a single row comparison operator.---Ans
c.     A single row query has been used with a multiple-row comparison operator.      
d.     Logical apparatus are not allowed in the WHERE clause.

109. Which statement will provide the view definition of the work_view that is created based on the worker table?
a.     Describe work
b.     DESCRIBE view work_view
c.     SELECT TEXT FROM user_views WHERE view_name= 'WORK_VIEW';               ANS
d.     SELECT view_text FROM my_views WHERE view_name= 'WORK_VIEW''

110. Examine the structure of the movie title, copy, and check_out tables:
IdPK                               Title                        Director
IdPK                               Title id PK              Available
IdPK    Copy_id    Title_id    Check_out_date    Expected_return_date    Customer-id
You need to create the MOVIES_AVAILABE view, and have the following parameters:
·       Include the title of each movie.
·       Include the availability of each movie.
·       Order the results by director.
Evaluate the following statement:
CREATE VIEW                             movies_available
SELECT b.title,c.available FROM movie_title b,copy c WERE b.id=c.title_id ORDER BY b.director;
Which of the parameters are met?
a.     All
b.     Two        ans
c.     One
d.     A syntax error results. --Ans ORDERY BY  IS  USED IN THE SELECT STATE MENT OF THE VIEW

111. There are three divisions within your company and each division has at least one worker bonus program and at least one worker.  Bonus values do not exceed 500; not all employees receive bonuses.  Evaluate the following block:
DECLARE V_bonus worker.bonus%TYPE:=270;
UPDATE worker SET bonus=bonus+v_bonus WHERE division_id IN (10,20,30);
What is the result of the statement?
a.     All employees will be given a bonus of 270.
b.     A subset of 270 employees will be given a bonus of 270.
c.     All employees will be given a 270 increase in bonus.
d.     A subset of employees will be given a 270 increase in bonus. ans*

112. You have been given update privileges on the last_name column of the worker table.  Which data dictionary view would you query to display the column?  The privileges were granted on the schema that owns the worker table.
c.     ALL_COL_PRIVS_RECD  ans
d.     This cannot be retrieved from a single view.

113. Which of the following ALTER commands reinstates a disabled primary constraint?
c.     ALTER TABLE FRUIT ENALBE CONSTRAINT fruit_id_pk;        ans

114. You have been assigned the task of making major updates to the worker table. You disable the primary key constraint on the workid column and the check constraint on the job column.  What happens when you try to enable the constraint after the update is completed?
a.     Existing rows that don't conform with the constraints are automatically deleted.
b.     Indexes on both columns with the primary key constraint and the check constraints are automatically recreated.
c.     All existing column values are verified to conform with the constraints and an error message is narrated if any existing values are not confirmed. Ans
d.     The constraints must be recreated once they are disabled.

115. Which of the following is a valid table name?
a.     #_9
b.     24_bottles
c.     colors-1999    
d.     Slipper_#66*                        ANS

116. Examine the structure of the pupil table:
NAME                            NULL?                   TYPE
PUP_ID                         NOT NULL            NUMBER(3)
NAME                            NOT NULL            VARCHAR2(25)
PHONE                          NOT NULL            VARCHAR2(9)
ADDRESS                                                     VARCHAR2(50)
GRADUATION                                              DATE
There are over two hundred records in the pupil table.  You want to change the name of the graduation column to grad_date.  Which of the following is true?
a.     You can use the ALTER TABLE command with the MODIFY COLUMN clause to modify the column.
b.     You can use the ALTER TABLE command with the RENAME COLUMN clause to rename the column.
c.     You can use the ALTER TABLE command with the MODIFY clause to rename the column.
d.     You cannot rename the column.  ----Ans

117. Examine the automobile table:
Column name              ID            MODEL  STYLE    Color      LOT_NO
Key type        PK                                                           FK
Nulls/Unique                NN, UU  NN          NN          NN          NN
FK table                                                                         LOT
FK column                                                                    LOT_NO
Data type       NUM       CHAR     CHAR     CHAR     NUM
Length           9              20           20           20           3
Which SELECT statement will display the style, color, and lot number for all cars based on model?
a.     SELECT style,color,lot_no FROM automobile WHERE model=UPPER('%model');
b.     SELECT style,color,lot_no FROM automobile WHERE UPPER 'model'=('&model');
c.     SELECT style,color,lot_no FROM automobile WHERE UPPER 'model'=UPPER('&model');
d.     SELECT style,color,lot_no FROM automobile WHERE model='&model';

118. Examine the following DECLARE statement:
CURSOR work_cursor(p_divisionno NUMBER, p_job VARCHAR2)
. . .
Which statement opens the cursor successfully?
a.     OPEN work_cursor.
b.     OPEN work_cursor('clerk;,10);
c.     OPEN work_cursor(10, 'manager');    ---Ans
d.     OPEN work_cursor(p_divisionno,p_job);

119 As DBA, you use the CREATE USER command to create an account for user, Davis.  Davis must create tables and packages in his own schema.  What command must be executed next to grant him these privileges?

120. The WORK table has columns designated for the birth date and hire date of all workers.  Both columns are defined with the DATE data type.  You want to insert a row with the details of employee Wallace, who was born in 1952 and hired in 2001.  Which of the following statements will insert the values into the table in the correct century?
a.     INSERT INTO WORK(workno,wname,birthdate,hiredate)
VALUES(WORKNO_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'Wallace', '10-nov-52', '13-jan-01')
b.     INSERT INTO WORK(workno,wname,birthdate,hiredate)
                TO_DATE('10-nov-52', 'DD-MON-YY'), TO_DATE('13-jan-01', 'DD-MON-YY'));
c.     INSERT INTO WORK(workno,wname,birthdate,hiredate)
                TO_DATE('10-nov-52', 'DD-MON-RR'), TO_DATE('13-jan-01', 'DD-MON-RR'));   ANS
d.     d. INSERT INTO WORK(workno,wname,birthdate,hiredate)
                TO_DATE('10-nov-52', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), TO_DATE('13-jan-01', 'DD-MON-RR'));

121. You must retrieve worker details from the work table and process them in a PL/SQL block.  Which variable type must be created in the PL/SQL block to retrieve all rows and columns using a single SELECT statement from the work table?
a.     PL/SQL record.
b.     PL/SQL table of records.
c.     %ROWTYPE variable.    --Ans
d.     PL/SQL table of scalars.

122. Examine the following table:
ID NO             LAST_NAME        FIRST_NAME       SALARY                 DEPT_NO
7      Brown                    Jerry                       30000                    255
6      Warner                   James                                                    233
4      West                       Dawn                     25000                    102
3      Chalmers              Mack                      50000                   
2      Landers                 Jillian                     32000                    145
5      Brunswick             Kate                                                        233
1      Lauder                   Susan                    55000                   
8      Ott                           Trixie                                                      145
You query the database using the following command:
SELECT dept_no,last_name,SUM(salary) FROM worker WHERE salary < 50000 GROUP BY dept_no ORDER BY last_name;
Which clause causes an error?
a.     FROM employee
b.     WHERE salary<50000
c.   GROUP BY dept_no  ----Ans
d.     ORDER by last_name

123. Which of the following will display the average salary of divisions 3 and 6, but only if the departments have an average salary of at least 3100?
a.     SELECT divisionno, AVG(sal) FROM work WHERE divisionno IN(3,6) GROUP BY divisionno HAVING AVG (sal)>=3100;      ----Ans
b.     SELECT divisionno, AVG(sal) FROM work WHERE divisionno IN (3,6) AND AVG (sal)>=3100 GROUP BY divisionno;
c.     SELECT divisionno, AVG(sal) FROM work WHERE divisionno IN (3,6) GROUP BY AVG(sal) HAVING AVG(sal)>=3100;
d.     SELECT divisionno, AVG(sal) FROM work GROUP BY divisionno HAVNG AVG (sal)>=2000;  Divisionno IN (3,6);

124. Examine the automobile table:
Column name              ID            MODEL  STYLE    Color      LOT_NO
Key type        PK                                                           FK
Nulls/Unique                NN, UU  NN          NN          NN          NN
FK table                                                                         LOT
FK column                                                                    LOT_NO
Data type       NUM       CHAR     CHAR     CHAR     NUM
Length           9              20           20           20           3
You query the database with the following command:
SELECT  lot_number "lot number,count(*) number of cars available" FROM automobile WHERE model= 'e300' GROUP BY lot_no HAVING COUNT (*)>10 ORDER BY COUNT (*);
Which clause restricts which groups are displayed?
a.     SELECT  lot_number "lot number,count(*) number of cars available"
b.     WHERE model= 'e300'
c.     GROUP BY lot_no
d.     HAVING COUNT (*)>10m --Ans

125. You need to create a report to display the ship date and order totals of your inventory table.  If an order has not been shipped, the report must indicate "not shipped."  If a total is not available, the report must indicate "not available."  In the inventory table, the ship date column has a data type of date and the total column has a data type of number.  Which of the following statements should be used to create the report?
a.     Select inventory, ship date "Not shipped", Total "Not available" FROM order;
b.     Select inventory, To-CHAR (ship date, 'Not ship') To-CHAR (total, 'Not available') FROM order;
c.     Select inventory, NVL (Ship date Not), NVL (total, "Not available") FROM order;
d.     Select inventory, NVL(TO=CHAR(shipdate) ,"Not Shipped") NVL (To char(total), 'not available') FROM order;

126. You want to display data about all workers with the last name Randall, but are not sure what case last names are stored in.  What statement will be successful?
a.     Select last name, first name FROM work WHERE last name='randall';
b.     Select last name, first name FROM work WHERE last name=UPPER ('randall');
c.     Select last name, first name FROM work WHERE UPPER(last name)=('randall');
d.     Select last name, first name FROM work WHERE LOWER(lastname)=('smith');

127. Your manager requests that you analyze the time taken between when orders are taken and when they are shipped.  You must create a report that displays the customer number, date of order, date shipped, and the number of months in whole numbers from the time the order is placed to the time the order is shipped.  Which statement meets these required results?
a.     SELECT custid, orderdate, shipdate, ROUND(MONTHS-BETWEEN(shipdate,orderdate)) "Time Taken" FROM ord;
b.     SELECT custid, orderdate, shipdate, ROUND(DAYS-BETWEEN(shipdate,orderdate))/30 FROM ord;
c.     SELECT custid, orderdate, shipdate, MONTHS-BETWEEN (shipdate,orderdate) "Time Taken" FROM ord;
d.     SELECT custid, orderdate, shipdate, ROUND OFF(shipdate-orderate) "Time Taken" FROM ord;

128. The worker table has the following columns:
FIRST NAME                                VARCHAR2(20)
COMMISSION                              NUMBER(3,2)
Evaluate the following statement:
SELECT first-name, commission FROM worker WHERE commission
                                                        (SELECT commission FROM employee WHERE UPPER(first-name)='Charles');
Which of the following will cause this statement to fail?
a.     The first name values in the database are in lower case.
b.     There is no employee with the first name Charles.
c.     Charles has zero commission.
d.     Charles has null commission.

129. You create the invoice table with the following command:
CREATE TABLE invoice (purchase_no NUMBER(8) CONSTRAINT                invoice-purchase-no-pk     PRIMARY KEY,
Customer_id NUMBER(8) CONSTRAINT invoice-customer-id-nk    NOT NULL);
Which index or indexes are created for the invoice table?
a.     No indexes are created.
b.     An index is created for each column.
c.     An index is created for the purchase_no column.  -----Ans
d.     An index is created for the customer_no column.

130. How would a foreign key constraint be added on the division_no column in the worker table, referring to the ID column in the division table?
a.     Use the ALTER TABLE command with the ADD clause in the DETP table.
b.     Use the ALTER TABLE command with the ADD clause on the EMP table.
c.     Use the ALTER TABLE command with the MODIFY clause on the DEPT table.
d.     This cannot be done.

131. Examine the structure of the pupil table:
Name                                             Null                         Type
PUP ID                                           NOT NULL            NUMBER(4)
NAME                                                                            VARCHAR2(20)
ADDRESS                                                                     VARCHAR2(40)
GRADUATION                                                              DATE
The table is currently empty. Which statement prevents NULL values from being entered into the Name column?
d.     ALTER TABLE pupil MODIFY(name varchar2(20) NOT NULL);       Ans

132. Examine the table instance chart for the invoice table:
Column name              PURCHASE_NO CUSTOMER_ID   CAR_ID SALES_ID
Key type                        PK                                           FK                                           FK                           FK
Nulls/Unique                NN, U                                     NN                                          NN                          NN
FK table                         CUSTOMER                         CAR                                        EMPLOYEE
FK column                    ID                                            ID                                            ID
Data type                       NUM                                       NUM                                       NUM                       NUM
Length                           8                                              8                                              8                              8
You issue the following command:
INSERT INTO invoice(purchase_no, customer_id, cars_id) VALUES(1234,345,6);
If this statement fails, which condition explains the failure?
a.     Too many foreign keys in the table.
b.     Invalid data types in the statement.
c.     Missing mandatory column value.   Ans
d.     This statement will not fail.

133. Examine the patient table:
Column name              Id_number            last_name             first_name            birth_date              physician_id
Key type                        PK                                                          
Nulls/Unique                NN, UU                  NN                          NN                         
FK table                         PHYSICIAN
FK column                    ID_NUMBER
Data type                       NUM                       VARCHAR2          VARCHAR2          DATE                     NUM
Length                           10                           25                           25                           10
Which of the following DELETE statements will del ete a patient from the table by prompting the user for the id_number of the patient to be deleted.
a.     DELETE FROM patient WHERE id_number=&id_number /
b.     DEFINE: id_number
DELETE FROM patient       WHERE id_number=&id_number /
c.     DELETE
DEFINE & id_number FROM patient WHERE id_number=&id_number
d.     This cannot be done.

134. You must retrieve worker names and salaries from the work table. They must be displayed in descending order. If two names match for a salary, then the two names will be displayed in alphabetical order. Which statement should be used?
a.     SELECT wname,sal FROM work ORDER BY sal,wname;
b.     SELECT wname,sal FROM work ORDER BY sal,DESC,wname;
c.     SELECT wname,sal FROM work ORDER BY sal,wname;
d.     This cannot be done.

135.        For which three of these tasks would the WHERE clause be used?
a.     To display unique data.
b.     To designate table location.
c.     To compare two values.                                                     ANS
d.     To restrict rows to be displayed.                                       ANS
e.     To restrict the output of a group function.
f.      To only display data greater than a specified value.    ANS